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31 янв. 2012 г.

Oval office of the US president next year will close on repair

The following year, a study of the American president - the Oval Office at the White House - will be closed for repairs.
At the time of repair of the President's office will move from the West Wing White House to a nearby complex, which is called the old office building, or Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

In this building also will move to the White House dining room and some services that are located in the West Wing.
Repairs will be carried out throughout the West Wing, including in the situation room. Work will begin after the presidential inauguration and will last them a whole year.
Some of the offices of the West Wing, for example, the briefing room, not so long ago repaired, but the whole western part of the wing needs serious repair.
Now in the West Wing are repairs that are already spent several million dollars. But moving slowly repair some grass near the White House dug trenches to replace the wiring and air conditioning systems.
Building Eisenhower Executive Office Building a few months has been completely renovated, it is ready to take the president.
Last renovated in the White House was held in 1952 during the presidency of Harry Truman. Repairs took more than a year, while the president moved into a mansion opposite the White House Blair House.
It was built in 1824, its use as a temporary residence for guests of honor.
Based on materials from RBC.