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2 дек. 2011 г.

The program "the Mortgage without borders" from Transkapitalbank is started

Joint-Stock Company Transkapitalbank has published new retail service of mortgage lending - the program "the Mortgage without borders". Within the limits of the program bank TKB allots to clients the five years' credit practically on any purposes (from simple current needs and before habitation purchase) on the security of real estate of the client.

The borrower has the right to use the given money funds partially or completely (in the first case percent will be charged only on the used part). In bank also notice that in action of a credit line the client can pay only percent on the credit, and the next 10 or 15 years repayment is performed monthly аннуитетными by payments.
Till the end of 2012 the new product will be the seasonal offer for Moscow and Novosibirsk. Since February, 1st, 2012 the program will extend on all filial network of bank.
On a bank site it is said that under the program "the Mortgage without borders" constitutes the maximum size of the credit of 20 million roubles. The interest rate on a loan depending on on what purposes it undertakes, constitutes from 12,5 percent to 16 annual interest rates.
Transkapitalbank (Moscow) also gives out to physical persons mortgage loans on habitation purchasing on primary and secondary real estate markets, country houses with the ground area, and also finances repair and a habitation accomplishment.

More in detail about the new program it is possible to learn on Official site of bank