Info on Headline Build

Headline Build my blog is intended primarily English-speaking readers from near and far abroad, who are really interested in building news in our country who are concerned about the article primenemyh advanced technologies in the Russian industry. On pages Headline Build can be found a short note about updates to the construction market in Russia, the new buildings and about

10 нояб. 2011 г.

The tile and brick become cheaper, the steel and a stainless steel rise in price

The market of building materials, despite many factors, continues to be in a fever, periodically throwing the prices for the separate goods highly upwards or pressing them to a profitability threshold. Thus the various price approach can be similar for identical groups of building materials – for example, rise in price of a heater and reduction of price on a domestic brick is observed.

By itself that supply and demand in the given branch don't give the basic weather: rate fluctuations of currencies change the prices for the import goods contrary to the market logic and legal requirements. These changes are shown spontaneously and very quickly, unlike slowly creeping conditions dictated by the market.

Demand for building materials also changes, and is very differentiated: for example, concrete has given in even more strongly, than it was expected, and the tile has typed wide popularity. But here experts in a condition to explain changes – so, reduction of scale building has led to demand increase not building of summer residences, cottages and own houses.

As crises by crisis, and the majority of people which haven't connected itself to credits and saved money, were considerably enriched and can begin building process. By the way, where there were global changes, so it in branch of building services. Bindings to exchange rate in these services practically aren't present, that is why the internal rise in price is impossible, and reduction of number of under construction objects at identical number of workers, pushes the prices which have remained to a dumping for services for continuation of work with the client.

At the correct approach it is possible to improve qualitatively the estimate of works, taking a better tile or a brick which were before unreasonable expensive, having reduced thus the sum allocated for hired workers. But in sphere of sales the tendency to integration of players of the market is observed: the scale effect as in him possibility of a manipulation the prices disappears starts to play the leading part, which steels it is more important, than quality. If earlier the buyer was guided, first of all, by availability and the minimum remoteness of a warehouse now people try to save on each unit of the bought goods.